LinkedHashet is an implementation class of the Set interface which also extends the HashSet class. It was introduced in Java 1.4 version. It behaves in the same manner as HashSet except that it preserves or maintains the insertion order of elements inserted in the set. In simple words, It is an implementation of the set interface that stores and manipulates an ordered collection of elements.
It simply means the order in which elements are inserted, can be retrieved in the same order.
Points to Remember:
1) Hash Table and Linked List are its underlying data structure
2) It extends HashSet class and implements Set interface
3) It preserves insertion order
4) It permits only unique elements, similar to HashSet
5) It allows at most single null value
6) It offers a constant time performance for all the basic operations
7) It is less expensive than HashSet when comes to iterating over elements
Set<T> set = new LinkedHashSet<T>();
It is an implementation class that uses hash table and linked list data structure as its underlying data structure. It differs from HashSet with the exception that it maintains a doubly linked list to all the elements. It preserves insertion order with the help of a linked list which defines iteration order and makes sure the elements must be retrieved in the same order as they were previously inserted. It allows a single null element. It provides constant time performance for the basic operations.
There are 4 constructors provided in LinkedHashSet class:
1) LinkedHashSet()
A default constructor to create an empty linked hash set with default initial capacity and load factor.
LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>();
2) LinkedHashSet(collectionObj)
It creates a new linked hash set having elements present in passed collection object.
ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<>(); LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>(list);
3) LinkedHashSet(int initialCapacity) :
It creates an empty linked hash set with specified capacity and default load factor.
LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>(4);
4) LinkedHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor):
It creates an empty linked hash set with mentioned capacity and load factor.
LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>(4,0.8);
Methods of LinkedHashSet Class
Method Name | Explanation |
add(Object) | The method adds an element in a given set, returns false if one tries to add duplicate element |
addAll(CollectionObj) | It adds all the elements of the given collection in a given set |
clear() | It removes all elements from the given set |
contains(Object) | It checks whether the given object consists in a set or not, if it returns true if exist, otherwise false |
containsAll(CollectionObj) | It returns true, if all the elements of the given collection exist in the set, otherwise false |
isEmpty() | It checks whether a set is empty or not. it returns if empty, other false |
iterator() | It provides iterator object to iterate through set |
remove(Object) | It removes the given object from the set, if present |
retainAll(CollectionObj) | It retains elements of the collection provided in the method, and removed all other elements in the set that don't match the elements of collection object |
size() | It returns number of elements present in a set |
spliterator() | it returns spliterator object to iterate through set |
toArray() | It converts given set and returns array |
removeAll(CollectionObj) | It removes all the elements consisting in the collection object |
Java Program to create LinkedHashSet instance and demonstrate its basic operations
import java.util.*; public class SetExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers // Adding elements to linked hash set linkedHashSet.add(5); linkedHashSet.add(1); linkedHashSet.add(null); // adding nul value linkedHashSet.add(100); // Displaying Stored elements System.out.println(linkedHashSet); // removing null element from linked hash set linkedHashSet.remove(null); //Displaying after removing null System.out.println(linkedHashSet); // iterating through hash set Iterator iterator = linkedHashSet.iterator(); // getting iterator object System.out.println("Iterating over all the element of linked hash set :: "); while (iterator.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } }
[5, 1, null, 100] [5, 1, 100] Iterating over all the element of linked hash set :: 5 1 100
Basic Operations of LinkedHashSet
1) Adding element
HashLinkedSet supports add() and addAll() method to add elements in a given set
add(element) : It adds a given element to the set
addAll(collectionObj): It adds all the elements provided in collection object.
Java program to demonstrate add operation in LinkedHashSet
import java.util.*; public class SetExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers // Adding elements to linked hash set linkedHashSet.add(5); linkedHashSet.add(1); // Displaying Stored elements System.out.println(linkedHashSet); // add All method to add multiple elements linkedHashSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(100,101,102,103)); //Displaying after addAll System.out.println(linkedHashSet); } }
[5, 1] [5, 1, 100, 101, 102, 103]
2) Removing element
There are two methods namely, remove() and removeAll() used for removing single or multiple elements from a set.
remove(element) : It removes the given element from the given set.
remove(collectionObj) : It removes all the elements present in the collection object from the given set.
Java program to demonstrate remove operation in LinkedHashSet
import java.util.*; public class SetExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers // Adding elements to linked hash set linkedHashSet.add(5); linkedHashSet.add(1); linkedHashSet.add(2); linkedHashSet.add(100); linkedHashSet.add(101); linkedHashSet.add(102); // Displaying Stored elements System.out.println(linkedHashSet); // removing single element the linked hash set linkedHashSet.remove(2); System.out.println("Removed 2 :: "+linkedHashSet); // removeAll for remove multiple elements linkedHashSet.removeAll(Arrays.asList(100,101,102)); //Displaying after removeAll System.out.println("Removed 100, 101,102 from set :: "+linkedHashSet); } }
[5, 1, 2, 100, 101, 102] Removed 2 :: [5, 1, 100, 101, 102] Removed 100, 101,102 from set :: [5, 1]
3) Iterating over elements
There are multiple ways to iterate over a linked hash set. These are the following :-
1) iterator()
2) forEach()
3) Using Java 8 streams
Java program to demonstrate iteration operation over elements of a linked hash set object
import java.util.*; public class SetExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers // Adding elements to linked hash set linkedHashSet.add(5); linkedHashSet.add(1); linkedHashSet.add(2); linkedHashSet.add(100); linkedHashSet.add(101); // Iterating using for each System.out.println("Iterating using foreach :: "); for (Integer element: linkedHashSet) { System.out.println(element); } // Iterating using iterator object System.out.println("Iterating using iterator :: "); Iterator iterator = linkedHashSet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } System.out.println("Iterating using stream :: ");> System.out.println(e)); } }
Iterating using foreach :: 5 1 2 100 101 Iterating using iterator :: 5 1 2 100 101 Iterating using stream :: 5 1 2 100 101