
Difference between this and super keywords in Java?


Java provides two useful implicit reference variables ‘this’ and ‘super’. Both are used to resemble the reference variable pointing to the superclass or subclass.

Both keywords are frequently used and if you want to read them thoroughly links are provided here. ( for ‘this’ keyword and for ‘super’ keyword).

The basic difference between this and super is that this reference variable is of subclass type, whereas super reference variable is of superclass type

Difference between this and super keywords in Java

'this' keyword'super' keyword
this keyword is an implicit reference variable ( that holds physical address of an object) that is used to refer current class objectssuper keyword is an implicit reference variable ( that holds physical address of an object) that is used to refer child class's immediate parent class objects
It invokes the constructor of subclassIt invokes the constructor of superclass
In the case of the overridden methods( a method which is present in both parent and child with the same signature but with meaningful implementation), 'this' keyword is used to invoke the method of subclass classIn the case of the overridden method( a method which is present in both parent and subclass with the same signature but with meaningful implementation), 'super' keyword is used to invoke the method of superclass
It solves the problem of variable hiding. Using 'this' keyword, a compiler always refers to instance variable of the current classUsing super keyword, compiler always refer to immediate parent class instance variable ( in case of a variable having the same name in parent and subclass)
It can be used to return and pass as an argument in context of current class objectIt can be used to return and pass as an argument in context of parent class object

This keyword

In Java, this keyword is used to refer to the current class object.

There are various situations where sometimes is important to mention the object that actually invoked a particular method, constructor and initialization of instance variable. It can be used to invoke current class constructor, method, instance variable and many more.

Example of ‘this’ keyword

class sample1{
int m;
int n;


void display()
System.out.println(" Value of M = "+m+" Value of N = "+n);

class sample extends sample1{
int x;
int y;
sample(int a,int b)

void callchecker()
void display()
System.out.println(" Value of x = "+x+" Value of Y = "+y);
public class ThisKeyword {
public static void main(String[] args) {
sample obj = new sample(10,20);


Super keyword

In Java, super keyword is used to refer to the parent class object. It deals with various situation, but the most importantly, it helps in resolving the name conflict between member variables of superclass and subclass having same name.

Example of ‘super’ keyword

class A 
int z; 
A(int a) {
 public void f1() { } 
 class B extends A
 int z;
 B(int a, int b) 
 super(a); //call for super class constructor
public void f1() 
 super.f1(); //call for super class method 
public void f2() {
 super.z=4; //call for super class variable 
} } 
public class Example { 
public static void main(String[] args)
B obj = new B(); 
B obj = new B(5,3); 
} }

This post was last modified on October 6, 2020

Sandeep Verma

Published by
Sandeep Verma
Tags: Difference inheritance java super keyword this keyword