In this article, we’ll be clipping a line in C using Cohen Sutherland algorithm.
Clipping is a process of removing a portion of a line or an object that falls outside of the specified region. Cohen Sutherland is a line clipping algorithm which is used to clip out the extra portion of the line from view plane.
Must Read: What is Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm?
#include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> void main() { int rcode_begin[4]={0,0,0,0},rcode_end[4]={0,0,0,0},region_code[4]; int W_xmax,W_ymax,W_xmin,W_ymin,flag=0; float slope; int x,y,x1,y1,i, xc,yc; int gr=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gr,&gm,"C:\\TURBOC3\\BGI"); printf("\n****** Cohen Sutherlsnd Line Clipping algorithm ***********"); printf("\n Now, enter XMin, YMin ="); scanf("%d %d",&W_xmin,&W_ymin); printf("\n First enter XMax, YMax ="); scanf("%d %d",&W_xmax,&W_ymax); printf("\n Please enter intial point x and y= "); scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); printf("\n Now, enter final point x1 and y1= "); scanf("%d %d",&x1,&y1); cleardevice(); rectangle(W_xmin,W_ymin,W_xmax,W_ymax); line(x,y,x1,y1); line(0,0,600,0); line(0,0,0,600); if(y>W_ymax) { rcode_begin[0]=1; // Top flag=1 ; } if(y<W_ymin) { rcode_begin[1]=1; // Bottom flag=1; } if(x>W_xmax) { rcode_begin[2]=1; // Right flag=1; } if(x<W_xmin) { rcode_begin[3]=1; //Left flag=1; } //end point of Line if(y1>W_ymax){ rcode_end[0]=1; // Top flag=1; } if(y1<W_ymin) { rcode_end[1]=1; // Bottom flag=1; } if(x1>W_xmax){ rcode_end[2]=1; // Right flag=1; } if(x1<W_xmin){ rcode_end[3]=1; //Left flag=1; } if(flag==0) { printf("No need of clipping as it is already in window"); } flag=1; for(i=0;i<4;i++){ region_code[i]= rcode_begin[i] && rcode_end[i] ; if(region_code[i]==1) flag=0; } if(flag==0) { printf("\n Line is completely outside the window"); } else{ slope=(float)(y1-y)/(x1-x); if(rcode_begin[2]==0 && rcode_begin[3]==1) //left { y=y+(float) (W_xmin-x)*slope ; x=W_xmin; } if(rcode_begin[2]==1 && rcode_begin[3]==0) // right { y=y+(float) (W_xmax-x)*slope ; x=W_xmax; } if(rcode_begin[0]==1 && rcode_begin[1]==0) // top { x=x+(float) (W_ymax-y)/slope ; y=W_ymax; } if(rcode_begin[0]==0 && rcode_begin[1]==1) // bottom { x=x+(float) (W_ymin-y)/slope ; y=W_ymin; } // end points if(rcode_end[2]==0 && rcode_end[3]==1) //left { y1=y1+(float) (W_xmin-x1)*slope ; x1=W_xmin; } if(rcode_end[2]==1 && rcode_end[3]==0) // right { y1=y1+(float) (W_xmax-x1)*slope ; x1=W_xmax; } if(rcode_end[0]==1 && rcode_end[1]==0) // top { x1=x1+(float) (W_ymax-y1)/slope ; y1=W_ymax; } if(rcode_end[0]==0 && rcode_end[1]==1) // bottom { x1=x1+(float) (W_ymin-y1)/slope ; y1=W_ymin; } } delay(1000); clearviewport(); rectangle(W_xmin,W_ymin,W_xmax,W_ymax); line(0,0,600,0); line(0,0,0,600); setcolor(RED); line(x,y,x1,y1); getch(); closegraph(); }
Getting input from user:
Before Clipping the line
After Clipping the line:
This post was last modified on August 21, 2022