collection – Programmerbay A Tech Bay for Tech Savvy Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:16:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 collection – Programmerbay 32 32 TreeSet Class in Java With Program Example Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:16:02 +0000 TreeSet is an implementation class of NavigableSet interface which is a child interface of SortedSet. It is a class in the collection framework that stores and manipulates elements in some sorting order. It represents self-balancing binary tree as its underlying data structure which makes it a good choice for search and retrieving operations.

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Set<T> set = new TreeSet<T>();

It stores elements in natural sorting order using compareTo() method of Comparable interface. It also allows custom sorting order with the help of compare() method of Comparator interface.

It provides various methods that are inherited from Navigable,SortedSet and Set interface.

Point to remember:

1. It uses self balancing tree as its underlying data structure
2. It doesn’t allow Duplicate elements

3. It doesn’t preserve insertion order

4. It stores data in some sorting order
5. Only comparable or same type of elements are allowed

6. It is not thread safe

7. It provides non synchronised implementation of Set

TreeSet an implementation of Binary Search Tree

TreeSet class uses self balancing binary search tree as its underlying data structure which makes it one of the efficient implementations for storing large data set in ordered manner. It takes logarithmic average and worst case time when it comes to perform basic operations such as add, delete and search.

TreeSet is not Thread Safe

It is also important to know that TreeSet provides non synchornized implementation which allow multiple threads to access a tree set object concurrently. It can lead to uncertain behaviour as more than one threads can operate on that object at the same time. It is possible to make a tree set synchronized. With the help of Collection.synchronizedSortedSet() method we can encapsulate a set in a synchronized object or wrapper.

Syntax :

Set<T> treeSet = new TreeSet<>();
Set synchronized = Collections.synchronziedSet(treeSet);

TreeSet NULL Acceptance

If  a treeSet is non empty Set, then by default we are going to get null pointer exception while trying to insert null value. It occurs because of the comparison with other elements.

For empty TreeSet, null value can be accepted

Constructors of TreeSet Class

There are four constructors support by TreeSet class.

1) TreeSet()

A default constructor that creates an empty tree set object with default natural sorting order

TreeSet<T> t = new TreeSet<T>()

2) TreeSet(Comparator c)

It creates an empty tree set instance with custom specified order defined using Comparator .

TreeSet<T> t = new TreeSet(Comparator c);

3) TreeSet(Collection obj)

It creates a tree set instance with the elements present in the collection object and order them in nature order.

TreeSet<T> t = new TreeSet<>(Collection obj)

4) TreeSet(SortedSet obj)

Similar to previous constructor, the constructor accepts a collection object which is in this case, is SortedSet and creates an tree set instance with all the elements present in that collection in natural order.

TreeSet<T> t = new TreeSet<T>(Sorted obj)

Methods of TreeSet Class

Method NameExplanation
add(Object)The method adds an element in a given set, returns false if one tries to add duplicate element
addAll(CollectionObj)It adds all the elements of the given collection in a given set
clear()It removes all elements from the given set
contains(Object)It checks whether the given object consists in a set or not, if it returns true if exist, otherwise false
containsAll(CollectionObj)It returns true, if all the elements of the given collection exist in the set, otherwise false
isEmpty()It checks whether a set is empty or not. it returns if empty, other false
iterator()It provides iterator object to iterate through set
remove(Object)It removes the given object from the set, if present
retainAll(CollectionObj)It retains elements of the collection provided in the method, and removed all other elements in the set that don't match the elements of collection object
size()It returns number of elements present in a set
spliterator()it returns spliterator object to iterate through set
toArray()It converts given set and returns array
removeAll(CollectionObj)It removes all the elements consisting in the collection object
Method NameExplanation
comparator()Returns comparator object which is used to define custom sorting order on elements in the set or returns null if the set is using some natural order
subSet(T from, T to)It returns all the elements rangin from element "fromEle" to "toEle". If both the elements are same, then it would return empty set. It can throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided elements are not in range of the given set
headSet(elementObj)It returns all the elements lesser than the provided element. It can throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided elements are not in range of the given set
tailSet(elementObj)It returns all the elements greater than the provided element. It can throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided elements are not in range of the given set
first()It returns very first element from the given set
last()It returns last element from the given set
lower(element)It returns greatest element that is lower than the given element
higher(element)It returns lowest element that is higher than the given element
floor(element)It returns greatest element that is lower than or equal to the given element
ceiling(element)It returns lowest element that is higher than or equal the given element
pollFirst()It returns and removes first element from the set
pollLast()It returns and removes last element from the set
descendingSet()It returns reverse view of the given set.

Comparable Interface Vs Comparator Interface

If the empty tree set is created with default constructor, then the elements should be of same type and comparable, otherwise, ClassCastingException would be triggered by the Java compiler. Objects that implements Comparable interface are called comparable.

Comparable Interface

  • It resides in Java.lang package
  • It contains only single method, named compareTo()
  • It returns int value, as it decides whether an element, greater, equal or smaller than other

obj1.compareTo(obj 2)

  1.  -ve obj1 should come before obj2
  2.  +ve obj1 should come after obj2
  3.  0 both obj1 and obj2 are equal

Comparator Interface

If a custom implementation is required, we can use Comparator, not Comparable.

  • It is used for customised sorting order
  •  It resides in Java.util packages
  •  It contains 2 methods, compare() and equals()
  •  compare() also returns int.
  • It uses same comparison approach as compareTo() method
  •  It is compulsory to provide implementation of compare method but, equals() implementation is optional as it’s root class method
  • Using Comparator, we can use non comparable objects in tree set

A tree set can have duplicate elements if we use Comparator to implement the sorting or insertion changes.

Java Program to arrange and print elements of TreeSet in descending order with the help of Comparator


import java.util.*;

public class SetExample implements Comparator<Integer>{
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Set<Integer> treeSet = new TreeSet<>(new SetExample()); // creating a treeSet instance that holds integers

        // Adding elements to linked hash set


        // Iterating using for each

        Iterator iterator = treeSet.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()){

    public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
        return o2-o1;




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LinkedHashSet Class in Java With Program Example Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:56:36 +0000 LinkedHashet is an implementation class of the Set interface which also extends the HashSet class. It was introduced in Java 1.4 version. It behaves in the same manner as HashSet except that it preserves or maintains the insertion order of elements inserted in the set. In simple words, It is an implementation of the set interface that stores and manipulates an ordered collection of elements.
It simply means the order in which elements are inserted, can be retrieved in the same order.

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Points to Remember:

1) Hash Table and Linked List are its underlying data structure

2) It extends HashSet class and implements Set interface
3) It preserves insertion order
4) It permits only unique elements, similar to HashSet
5) It allows at most single null value
6) It offers a constant time performance for all the basic operations
7) It is less expensive than HashSet when comes to iterating over elements


Set<T> set = new LinkedHashSet<T>();

It is an implementation class that uses hash table and linked list data structure as its underlying data structure. It differs from HashSet with the exception that it maintains a doubly linked list to all the elements. It preserves insertion order with the help of a linked list which defines iteration order and makes sure the elements must be retrieved in the same order as they were previously inserted. It allows a single null element. It provides constant time performance for the basic operations.

There are 4 constructors provided in LinkedHashSet class:

1) LinkedHashSet()

A default constructor to create an empty linked hash set with default initial capacity and load factor.

LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>();

2) LinkedHashSet(collectionObj) 

It creates a new linked hash set having elements present in passed collection object.

ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<>();

LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>(list);

3) LinkedHashSet(int initialCapacity) :

It creates an empty linked hash set with specified capacity and default load factor.

LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>(4);

4) LinkedHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor):

It creates an empty linked hash set with mentioned capacity and load factor.

LinkedHashSet<T> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<T>(4,0.8);

Methods of LinkedHashSet Class

Method NameExplanation
add(Object)The method adds an element in a given set, returns false if one tries to add duplicate element
addAll(CollectionObj)It adds all the elements of the given collection in a given set
clear()It removes all elements from the given set
contains(Object)It checks whether the given object consists in a set or not, if it returns true if exist, otherwise false
containsAll(CollectionObj)It returns true, if all the elements of the given collection exist in the set, otherwise false
isEmpty()It checks whether a set is empty or not. it returns if empty, other false
iterator()It provides iterator object to iterate through set
remove(Object)It removes the given object from the set, if present
retainAll(CollectionObj)It retains elements of the collection provided in the method, and removed all other elements in the set that don't match the elements of collection object
size()It returns number of elements present in a set
spliterator()it returns spliterator object to iterate through set
toArray()It converts given set and returns array
removeAll(CollectionObj)It removes all the elements consisting in the collection object

Java Program to create LinkedHashSet instance and demonstrate its basic operations


import java.util.*;

public class SetExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers

        // Adding elements to linked hash set
        linkedHashSet.add(null);  // adding nul value

        // Displaying Stored elements

        // removing null element from linked hash set


        //Displaying after removing null


        // iterating through hash set

        Iterator iterator = linkedHashSet.iterator(); // getting iterator object
        System.out.println("Iterating over all the element of linked hash set :: ");
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {



[5, 1, null, 100]
[5, 1, 100]
Iterating over all the element of linked hash set :: 

Basic Operations of LinkedHashSet

1) Adding element

HashLinkedSet supports add() and addAll() method to add elements in a given set

add(element) : It adds a given element to the set
addAll(collectionObj): It adds all the elements provided in collection object.

Java program to demonstrate add operation in LinkedHashSet


import java.util.*;

public class SetExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers

// Adding elements to linked hash set

// Displaying Stored elements

// add All method to add multiple elements


//Displaying after addAll




[5, 1]
[5, 1, 100, 101, 102, 103]

2) Removing element

There are two methods namely, remove() and removeAll() used for removing single or multiple elements from a set.
remove(element) : It removes the given element from the given set.
remove(collectionObj) : It removes all the elements present in the collection object from the given set.

Java program to demonstrate remove operation in LinkedHashSet


import java.util.*;

public class SetExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers

// Adding elements to linked hash set

// Displaying Stored elements

// removing single element the linked hash set


System.out.println("Removed 2 :: "+linkedHashSet);

// removeAll for remove multiple elements


//Displaying after removeAll

System.out.println("Removed 100, 101,102 from set :: "+linkedHashSet);



[5, 1, 2, 100, 101, 102]
Removed 2 :: [5, 1, 100, 101, 102]
Removed 100, 101,102 from set :: [5, 1]

3) Iterating over elements

There are multiple ways to iterate over a linked hash set. These are the following :-
1) iterator()
2) forEach()
3) Using Java 8 streams

Java program to demonstrate iteration operation over elements of a linked hash set object


import java.util.*;

public class SetExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Set<Integer> linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // creating a linked hashset instance that holds integers

// Adding elements to linked hash set


// Iterating using for each

System.out.println("Iterating using foreach :: ");
for (Integer element:
linkedHashSet) {

// Iterating using iterator object
System.out.println("Iterating using iterator :: ");

Iterator iterator = linkedHashSet.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()){

System.out.println("Iterating using stream :: ");> System.out.println(e));



Iterating using foreach ::
Iterating using iterator ::
Iterating using stream ::


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HashSet Class in Java With Program Example Thu, 13 Jul 2023 17:43:58 +0000 Set interface doesn’t provide any additional method, as a result, implementation classes use only collection interface methods.
HashSet is an implementing class of Set interface and it represents Hash Table as its underlying data structure. It is a collection of unordered unique elements that don’t allow duplicates. It also doesn’t preserve insertion order as it uses hash code to store an element. Meaning, the elements are stored based on some hash values and can be retrieved in any order.

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It uses several methods of Collection interface i.e. add(), remove(), contains(). The add() method returns false and doesn’t add an element if one tries to insert a duplicate element. The advantage of using HashSet, it makes searching faster.

It can store different types of objects and allows at most a single null value to hashSet.
It also implements the Serializable and Collneable interface.

Set is the best choice when the frequent search operation is required.


Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();

Point to Remember :

  1. It doesn’t preserve insertion order
  2. It allows atmost single null value
  3. It can store various type of objects at the same time
  4. It uses hash table as its underlying data structure
  5. It is a best choice when frequent search operation is involved
  6. It doesn’t allow duplicate that makes it ideal for storing unique elements


Constructors of HashSet

There are 4 constructors in HashSet:

1) HashSet()

It is a default constructor that creates an empty Set with a default capacity of 16 elements and having default fill ratio 0.75.

HashSet<T> obj = new HashSet<>() :

Fill ratio/ Load Factor : It simply means after which ratio/ percentage, a new set should be created. For instance, if fill ratio is 0.75, then a new hashSet would be created after occupying 75% capacity of the set.

2) HashSet(int initialCapacity)

It creates an empty set with the provided initial capacity value with default fill ratio 0.75.

HashSet<T> h = new HashSet<>(int initialCapacity);

3) HashSet<T>(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)

It creates an empty set with provided initial capacity and load factor.

HashSet<T> h = new HashSet<T>(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor);

4) HashSet<T>(Collection obj)

It creates a set with the collection elements passed in the constructor. It can be arrayList, linkedList or any other object that implements collection interface.

HashSet<T> h = new HashSet<T>(Collection obj);

Program to demonstrate creation of HashSet in Java

import java.util.*;

public class SetExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>() ;  // Creating set object


[Example, Duplicate, Programmerbay]


How HashSet or HashMap works in Java?

HashSet internally uses the HashMap constructor to create an empty set with a default capacity of 16 and 0.75 load factor.
When the add() method is called, again put() method of HashMap is also invoked where the element that is being added acts as a key and a constant value (PRESENT) acts as a value. When one tries to add the same element then, we all know, what would happen when one tries to add an element with the same key in a map, it would override or replace the existing key-value pair. That is why HashSet doesn’t allow duplicate elements.

Further, lets see the working of HashMap.

HashMap also adheres HashTable Alogrithm Internally.

When a HashMap object is created, JVM creates Hash Table which is nothing but an array of nodes or buckets internally concerning the capacity of the Set or Map. These buckets act as a node that connects like a linked list.
When an element is added or put in the object, a corresponding hashcode or hash is generated using hashCode() method.

Based on the Modular operator it identifies the index and stores the data in that bucket (consisting array of nodes) residing on that position.
If two elements are having same hashcode, then it would not directly be stored in the same bucket, instead, the equal() method will be used to check whether the two elements are the same or not. If both are evaluated as different, then it would be stored in the same bucket otherwise, it will be replaced.

The situation of having the same hash of two elements is also known as Hashing collision, to deal with it, the equals() method is internally used by JVM.

Methods in HashSet

Method NameExplanation
add(Object)The method adds an element in a given set, returns false if one tries to add duplicate element
addAll(CollectionObj)It adds all the elements of the given collection in a given set
clear()It removes all elements from the given set
contains(Object)It checks whether the given object consists in a set or not, if it returns true if exist, otherwise false
containsAll(CollectionObj)It returns true, if all the elements of the given collection exist in the set, otherwise false
isEmpty()It checks whether a set is empty or not. it returns if empty, other false
iterator()It provides iterator object to iterate through set
remove(Object)It removes the given object from the set, if present
retainAll(CollectionObj)It retains elements of the collection provided in the method, and removed all other elements in the set that don't match the elements of collection object
size()It returns number of elements present in a set
spliterator()it returns spliterator object to iterate through set
toArray()It converts given set and returns array
removeAll(CollectionObj)It removes all the elements consisting in the collection object

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LinkedList Class in Java with Program Example Thu, 06 Jul 2023 18:12:36 +0000 LinkedList is a child class of List and Queue interface. It owns the behaviour of Doubly Linked List and represents it as its underlying data structure . It is ideal to use when insertion or deletion are the frequent operations. In Linked List, elements are not stored in sequential manner,instead, each element in a Linked List is stored as a separate node, pointing to the previous and next elements in the list. The problem with linked list is, its performance degrades when it comes to retrieve operation or fetching an element.

Screenshot from 2023 07 06 22 46 01

Point to Remember:

1. It preserves insertion order and duplicates are allowed.

2. It accepts different types of objects and null insertions.

3. Similar to ArrayList, it is growable in nature, meaning, its size can shrink or grow dynamically.

4. It is best choice when insertion and deletion operations are involved mostly.

5. It resembles doubly linked list data structure which provides flexibility to implement other algorithms and data structure such as Stack,Queue and more.

6. It has the worst performance in case of fetching or accessing an element from the list as it provides linear-time performance.

7. It implements Serializable and Clonable interface but not RandomAccess interface.

8. It is not thread-safe, which means that multiple threads cannot safely access and modify the list at the same time.

9. It becomes slower than other List implementations when it comes to traversing over elements.

Method of Linked List Class

Linked List implements List and Deque interface. Therefore, there are several methods implemented by this class.

Below are the methods inherited from Deque.

addFirst(element)It adds the given element at first position in the given list
addLast(element)It adds the given element at the end in the given list
element()It returns head of the given list
getFirst()It returns first elements of a linked list
getLast()It returns last elements of a linked list
offer(element)It adds the given element at the end of the list
offerFirst(element)It adds element at the beginning of a list
offerLast(element)It adds element at the end of a list
peek()It returns head or first element of the given list
peekFirst()It returns first element, if the list is empty, returns null
peekLast()It returns last element, if the list is empty, returns null
poll()It removes and returns first element of the given list
pollFirst()It removes and returns first element, if the list is empty, returns null
pollLast()It removes and returns last element, if the list is empty, returns null
pop()It pops an element from the list, acting as Stack
push(E e)It pushes an element from the list, acting as Stack
remove()It returns and remove the head of a linked list
removeFirst()It removes and returns first element
removeFirstOccurrence(Object o)It removes first occurrences of the given element
removeLast()It removes and returns last element
removeLastOccurrence(Object o)It removes last occurrences of the given element

Below are the methods is from List interface.

add(T obj)It inserts an element to the end and returns true if it's added successfully
add(int indx, T obj)It inserts the given element at the specified index of the list
addAll(Collection c)It adds entire compatible collection objects to the end of the list
addAll(int indx, Collection c)It inserts all the compatiable collection objects at the given index in the list
clear()It removes or truncates all the elements from the given list
contains(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is present within the list
containsAll(Collection obj)It returns true if all the elements in the given collection are present in the list
equals(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is equivalent to the list
hashCode()It returns hashcode of a list
indexOf(Object c)It returns the index of the given object which matches first, oterwise -1 is returned
isEmpty()It checks whether a list contains any element or not.
iterator()It returns iterator object for a list
lastIndexOf(Object obj)It returns index of the given object which match first from the last, otherwise, -1 is returned
listIterator()It returns object of ListIterator
listIterator(int indx)It returns listIterator object with the starting point specified with indx.
remove(int index)It removes an element from the specified position and returns the removed object from the list
remove(Object obj)It removes very first occurrence of the given object from the list.
removeAll(Collection obj)It removes all the elements that are present in the given collection from the list
replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)It replaces all the elements by performing the given operator to them in the list
retainAll(Collection c)It retains all the elements that matches in the given list and removes all others from the list
set(int indx, T obj)It replaces the given object at specified position and returns the replaced object.
size()It returns number of elements present in the list
sort(Comparator c)It sorts the list based on given order specified in the comparator.
spliIterator()It returns SplitIterator object
subList(int from, int to)It returns sublist that falls between fromIndx and toIndex
toArray()t converts and returns an array corresponding to the given list

Constructors of Linked List

There are two constructor present in Linked list class. These constructors are explained below :-

1) new LinkeList()

It is a default constructor that creates an empty linked list. Unlike ArrayList, it doesn’t have capacity issue.


LinkedList<T> l = new LinkeList<>() :

2) new LinkedList(Collection obj)

It creates a linked list instance, consisting elements of the given collection object.

LinkedList l = new LinkedList(Collection obJ);

Operations in LinkedList Class

1) Add an element

There are several methods provided by LinkedList class to add an element, such as add(), addFirst(),addList(),push(),offerFirst() and more.
Among all, add() and addAll() methods are most commonly used methods to perform add operation.


public class ArrayListExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> linkedList = new ArrayList<>(); // creating instance of linked list

// Adding elements to linked list


// Displaying elements of the list

// addAll method to add list of elements



[Programmerbay, Example]
[Programmerbay, Example, element1, element2]

2) Replace an element

LinkedList supports index based access which provides it the capability to update or replace an element at given position .
set() method is used for the purpose. Below is the code example.


public class ArrayListExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> linkedList = new ArrayList<>(); // creating instance of linked list

// Adding elements to linked list


// Displaying elements of the list

// set method to replace an element with new one
linkedList.set(1,"Removed") ; // Example would be replaced with Removed




[Programmerbay, Example]
[Programmerbay, Removed]

3) Remove an element

Like several add() methods, LinkedList supports several methods to remove an element from a list i.e remove(),removeFirst(),removeLast() , pop() and more. The most commonly used methods are remove() and removeAll(). Below is a code example


public class ArrayListExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> linkedList = new ArrayList<>(); // creating instance of linked list

// Adding elements to linked list


// Displaying elements of the list

// remove(element) method to remove the given element
linkedList.remove("Test"); // element Test would be removed


// remove(index) method to remove element from the given index

linkedList.remove(1); // element would be removed, sitting at 1st index which is example in this case


[Programmerbay, Example, Test]
[Programmerbay, Example]

4) Traverse or iterate over elements

Like other implementation classes of List interface, elements of a linked list can also be traversed through various ways, iterator object and forEach are some of them.

With the help of iterator, we can traverse through all the elements in the given linked list. Also, enhanced for loop can also be used to loop through elements. Below are the code example.


public class ArrayListExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> linkedList = new ArrayList<>(); // creating instance of linked list

// Adding elements to linked list


// traversing element using iterator object
System.out.println("Traversing using iterator :: ");

Iterator iterator = linkedList.iterator();

// traversing element using for each method
System.out.println("Traversing using for each :: ");
for (String str:
linkedList) {



Traversing using iterator ::
Traversing using for each ::

5) Converting List to Array

toArray() method provides the capability to convert a given linked list to array of objects. Below is the code example.


public class ArrayListExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> linkedList = new ArrayList<>(); // creating instance of linked list

System.out.println("List view :: "+ linkedList);
Object[] array = linkedList.toArray();

System.out.println("Array view :: ");
for (Object obj:
array) {


List view :: [Programmerbay]
Array view :: 


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Stack Class in Java with Program Example Wed, 05 Jul 2023 16:18:55 +0000 Stack extends Vector class that implements Last in first out (LIFO) data structure, introduced in JDK 1.0. The data structure specifies the last element to be added to the stack, is the first one to be removed. It is a subclass of the Vector class that enables it to inherit all the attributes and methods of its parent class. It is considered as a legacy class as it exist even before the collection framework and it is re-engineered to support the collection.

Screenshot from 2023 07 04 19 23 17

Further, it provides only a default constructor to create an empty stack object.

One of the main use case of the Stack class is to reverse a sequence of elements. This can be done by pushing elements onto the stack and then popping them off one by one from the top.

The collection class provides various methods for manipulating elements present in the stack, such as push(), pop(), peek(), and empty().

Methods Of Stack Class

push(): The push method is used to add an element to the top of the stack

pop(): The pop method is used to remove and return the element at the top.

peek(): The peek method returns the element at the top without removing it.

empty(): It returns true if the stack is empty, otherwise, false.

search(): It searches an element, and returns offset, otherwise, -1 to signify not found.

Other Inherited Methods

addElement(T obj)Inserts an element to the end of the list.
removeElement( T obj)Removes the very first occurrence of the given element
trimToSize()Reduces the capacity of the given vector to the current size
ensureCapacity(int minCapacity)Increases the capacity to ensure that the list can hold at least the specified number of elements
setSize()Set the size of the given vector, storing null values to new empty spaces
capacity()Returns the current capacity of the vector
insertElementAt(T obj, int indx)Inserts the given element at the specified position, moving elements greater than that index by 1
removeElementAt(int indx)Deletes the element at the specified index
setElementAt(T obj, int indx)Replaces the element at the specified position with the specified element
elementAt(int indx)Returns the element at the given position
firstElement()Returns the first element in the list
lastElement()Returns the last element in the list
copyInto(Object[] o)Copies elements to the given arrays passed as parameter
indexOf(T o)Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element
add(T obj)It inserts an element to the end and returns true if it's added successfully
add(int indx, T obj)It inserts the given element at the specified index of the list
addAll(Collection c)It adds entire compatible collection objects to the end of the list
addAll(int indx, Collection c)It inserts all the compatiable collection objects at the given index in the list
clear()It removes or truncates all the elements from the given list
contains(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is present within the list
containsAll(Collection obj)It returns true if all the elements in the given collection are present in the list
equals(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is equivalent to the list
hashCode()It returns hashcode of a list
indexOf(Object c)It returns the index of the given object which matches first, oterwise -1 is returned
isEmpty()It checks whether a list contains any element or not.
iterator()It returns iterator object for a list
lastIndexOf(Object obj)It returns index of the given object which match first from the last, otherwise, -1 is returned
listIterator()It returns object of ListIterator
listIterator(int indx)It returns listIterator object with the starting point specified with indx.
remove(int index)It removes an element from the specified position and returns the removed object from the list
remove(Object obj)It removes very first occurrence of the given object from the list.
removeAll(Collection obj)It removes all the elements that are present in the given collection from the list
replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)It replaces all the elements by performing the given operator to them in the list
retainAll(Collection c)It retains all the elements that matches in the given list and removes all others from the list
set(int indx, T obj)It replaces the given object at specified position and returns the replaced object.
size()It returns number of elements present in the list
sort(Comparator c)It sorts the list based on given order specified in the comparator.
spliIterator()It returns SplitIterator object
subList(int from, int to)It returns sublist that falls between fromIndx and toIndex
toArray()t converts and returns an array corresponding to the given list

Here’s a program example to reverse a sequence of integers using Stack:


import java.util.Stack;

public class Main
  public static void main (String[]args)
    Stack < Integer > stack = new Stack <> ();
    stack.push (1);
    stack.push (2);
    stack.push (3);
    stack.push (4);
    while (!stack.empty ())
  System.out.println ("Element :: "+ stack.pop ());


Element :: 4
Element :: 3
Element :: 2
Element :: 1

Over Stack class, the Deque interface should be used as it provides a more complete and flexible API. The Deque interface extends the Queue interface and supports both LIFO and First-In-First-Out (FIFO) operations. The ArrayDeque class implements the Deque interface which is a resizable array and is a good choice for most use cases.

Here’s a program code to reverse a sequence of integers  using the ArrayDeque class:
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
public class Main
  public static void main (String[]args)
    ArrayDeque < Integer > deque = new ArrayDeque <> ();
    deque.push (1);
    deque.push (2);
    deque.push (3);
    deque.push (4);
    while (!deque.isEmpty ())
  System.out.println ("Element :: "+deque.pop ());
Element :: 4
Element :: 3
Element :: 2
Element :: 1


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Vector Class in Java With Program Example Wed, 05 Jul 2023 04:39:33 +0000 Vector is a collection class that implements dynamic array data structure to store elements, signifying growable array as its underlying data structure.  It accepts duplicate elements and preserves insertion order. It can hold elements of different data types and allows null value. The Vector class was introduced in Java 1.2 version and is part of the original Java API.

Screenshot from 2023 07 04 19 23 17

It is similar to ArrayList, but is synchronized  and supports legacy methods which duplicates the behaviour of methods defined by Collection Framework.  It implements Serializable and RandomAccess interface. Its most of the methods are thread safe.

It is a legacy class and fully compatible with Collection, meaning one can use enhanced for loops to iterate through its elements.

Points to Remember

1) Its underlying data structure is dynamic array. It has the capability to grow or shrink as required. Like array, it uses zero  based index to access, add, delete, and update an element.

2) It is a legacy class, as a result, it supports legacy methods along with predefined methods by Collection framework. Further, it is synchronized.

3) It preserves insertion order that signifies all elements get stored in same order in which they inserted

4)  It can be used where multiple threads require to perform operations on same list. However, it can impact performance inversely, since, it’s synchronized.

 Vector class provides various methods for adding, removing, searching and fetching elements. For example, one can use the addElement() method to add an element to the end of the vector, or the removeElement() method to remove an element. The elementAt() method can be used to retrieve an element at a specific index, and the indexOf() method can be used to find an element within the vector.
Further, it supports other methods such as trimToSize() and ensureCapacity(). The trimToSize() method reduces the capacity of a vector to the current number of elements, freeing up any unused memory, while the ensureCapacity() method increases the capacity.

Constructors of Vector

1. Vector v = new Vector();

The default constructor that creates the list with initial capacity of 10.

When vector crosses its capacity, a new vector object is created by the compiler and the values of first vector object is copied to new one. Lastly, reference variable starts pointing to new one and old reference becomes eligible for garbage collection.

How to calculate the capacity of vector?

capacity of new vector = 2 * current capacity

2. Vector v = new Vector(int capacity);

The constructor creates a vector with the given capacity provided in parameter.

3. Vector v = new Vector(int initialCapacity, int incrementalCapacity);

It creates a vector with initial capacity provided in the parameter. The incrementalCapacity specifies the new incremental capacity every time when the list resized  to be allocated .

4.Vector v = new Vector(Collection obj);

It creates equivalent list similar to the collection object provided in the constructor.

Methods in Vector

The Vector class in Java provides a number of methods for adding, removing, and manipulating elements within the vector. Here are some of the most commonly used methods:
  • addElement(Object obj): Insert an element to the end of the list.
  • removeElement(Object obj): Removes the very first occurrence of the given element
  • insertElementAt(Object obj, int indx): Inserts the given element at the specified position, moving elements greater than that index by 1.
  • removeElementAt(int indx): Deletes the element at the specified index.
  • setElementAt(Object obj, int indx): Replaces the element at the specified position with the specified element.
  • elementAt(int indx): Returns the element at the given position.
  • firstElement(): Returns the first element in the list.
  • lastElement(): Returns the last element in the list.
  • copyInto(Object[] o):  Copies elements to the given arrays passed as parameter.
  • indexOf(Object o): Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element.
  • trimToSize(): Reduces the capacity of the given vector to the current size.
  • ensureCapacity(int minCapacity): Increases the capacity to ensure that the list can hold at least the specified number of elements.
  • setSize() : Set the size of the given vector, storing null values to new empty spaces.
  • capacity(): Returns the current capacity of the vector.
These are some of the most commonly used methods of specific to Vector class in Java.
Also, the class supports other methods of List And Collection Interface.
add(T obj)It inserts an element to the end and returns true if the element is added successfully
add(int indx, T obj)It inserts the given element at the specified index of the list
addAll(Collection c)It adds entire compatiable collection objects to the end of the list
addAll(int indx, Collection c)It inserts all the compatiable collection objects at the given index in the list
clear() It removes or truncates all the elements from the given list
contains(Object obj) It returns true if the given object is present within the list
containsAll(Collection obj) It returns true if all the elements in the given collection are present in the list
equal(Object obj) It returns true if the given object is equivalent to the list
hashCode()It returns hashcode of a list
indexOf(Object c)It returns the index of the given object which matches first, oterwise -1 is returned
isEmpty()It check whether a list contains any element or not.
iterator() It returns iterator object for a list
lastIndexOf(Object obj)It returns index of the given object which match first from the last, otherwise, -1 is returned
listIterator() It returns object of ListIterator
listIterator(int indx) It returns listIterator object with the starting point specified with indx
remove(int index)It removes an element from the specified position and returns the removed object from the list
remove(Object obj) It removes very first occurrence of the given object from the list.
removeAll(Collection obj)It removes all the elements that are present in the given collection from the list
replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)It replaces all the elements by performing the given operator to them in the list
retainAll(Collection c)It retains all the elements that matches in the given list and removes all others from the list
set(int indx, T obj)It replaces the given object at specified position and returns the replaced object.
size()It returns number of elements present in the list
sort(Comparator c)It sorts the list based on given order specified in the comparator
spliIterator()It returns SplitIterator object
subList(int from, int to) It returns sublist that falls between fromIndx and toIndex
toArray() It converts and returns an array corresponding to the given list

Disadvantages of using Vector Class

There are several disadvantages of using the Vector class in Java:
  1. Performance: The synchronization of the Vector class can slow down the performance of an application, as multiple threads accessing the same list would require to wait for each other to complete their operations. This can result in slower performance compared to an ArrayList
  2. Memory Overhead: The synchronization also result in additional memory overhead, as each element must maintain information about the locks used for synchronization.
  3. Legacy Class: The Vector class is a legacy class, introduced in Java 1.2 version , and has since been surpassed by more modern collection classes such as the ArrayList  that may have more features and are optimized.

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ArrayList Class in Java With Program Example Wed, 05 Jul 2023 04:19:54 +0000 Arraylist is a child class of AbstractList and implements List interface. It represents dynamic array that can grow or shrink as needed. In case of standard array, one must know the number of elements about to store in advance. In other words, a standard array is fixed in size and its size can’t be changed after its initialisation. To overcome this problem, collection framework provides ArrayList.

Point to Remember

1. It is a growable array
2. It allows duplicate elements
3. It preserves insertion order
4. It can store different types of elements
5. It can have null values
6. It resides in java.util package
7. By default, it is non synchronized class
8. It is not thread safe
9. It uses zero-based index to access, add, delete and update an element
10. If frequent operation is retrieve operation, then arrayList is best choice.
11. If insertion and removal in middle is the operation then arrayList is worst choice.
12. It doesn’t work with primitive types

Constructors in ArrayList

There are three constructors associated with ArrayList to create its objects.

1. new ArrayList() : A default constructor that takes no input and creates an empty list with default capacity. By default, it intializes with capacity of 10, meaning, it can hold 10 elements.

However,when an eleventh element is inserted in a list. JVM automatically generates a larger list with greater capacity and copies the element from old one to new one. Further, it changes reference variable to point to the new list, making old list eligible for garbage collection.

How to calculate capacity of ArrayList?

This is the formula used to calculate new capacity of an arrayList
new Capacity = (current capacity * 3/2)+1

ArrayList<ObjType> arr = new ArrayList<>();

2. new ArrayList ( int capacity) : A parameterised constructor that takes capacity as an input and creates an empty list with provided initial capacity.

ArrayList<ObjType> arr = new ArrayList<>(capacity);

3. new ArrayList (Collection c) : The constructor takes collection object as an input and creates an equivalent list from the given collection

ArrayList<ObjType> arr = new ArrayList<>(c);

The purpose of collection is to hold a group of data that can be transferred from one place to another place, it can be over the network or data sources. In order to provide this support, it is compulsory to implement serializable interface. Therefore, all the collection implementation classes implements serializable class.

Further, Arraylist and Vector implements RandomAccess interface that signifies accessing any element using index which takes same time.
RandomAccess interface is present in java.util packages and doesn’t consist any method. It’s a marker interface.

How to define an ArrayList?

ArrayList implements List interface and is a generic class with below definition:

ArrayList<ObjType> list = new ArrayList<>();
  • ObjType is any non-primitve dataType
  • new keyword is used to allocate memory and create an object.
  • ArrayList<>() is default constructor


Methods in Java ArrayList

add(T obj)It inserts an element to the end and returns true if the element is added successfully
add(int indx, T obj)It inserts the given element at the specified index of the list
addAll(Collection c)It adds entire compatiable collection objects to the end of the list
addAll(int indx, Collection c)It inserts all the compatiable collection objects at the given index in the list
clear() It removes or truncates all the elements from the given list
contains(Object obj) It returns true if the given object is present within the list
containsAll(Collection obj) It returns true if all the elements in the given collection are present in the list
equal(Object obj) It returns true if the given object is equivalent to the list
hashCode()It returns hashcode of a list
indexOf(Object c)It returns the index of the given object which matches first, oterwise -1 is returned
isEmpty()It check whether a list contains any element or not.
iterator() It returns iterator object for a list
lastIndexOf(Object obj)It returns index of the given object which match first from the last, otherwise, -1 is returned
listIterator() It returns object of ListIterator
listIterator(int indx) It returns listIterator object with the starting point specified with indx
remove(int index)It removes an element from the specified position and returns the removed object from the list
remove(Object obj) It removes very first occurrence of the given object from the list.
removeAll(Collection obj)It removes all the elements that are present in the given collection from the list
replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)It replaces all the elements by performing the given operator to them in the list
retainAll(Collection c)It retains all the elements that matches in the given list and removes all others from the list
set(int indx, T obj)It replaces the given object at specified position and returns the replaced object.
size()It returns number of elements present in the list
sort(Comparator c)It sorts the list based on given order specified in the comparator
spliIterator()It returns SplitIterator object
subList(int from, int to) It returns sublist that falls between fromIndx and toIndex
toArray() It converts and returns an array corresponding to the given list
add(T obj)It inserts an element to the end and returns true if it's added successfully
add(int indx, T obj)It inserts the given element at the specified index of the list
addAll(Collection c)It adds entire compatible collection objects to the end of the list
addAll(int indx, Collection c)It inserts all the compatiable collection objects at the given index in the list
clear()It removes or truncates all the elements from the given list
contains(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is present within the list
containsAll(Collection obj)It returns true if all the elements in the given collection are present in the list
equals(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is equivalent to the list
hashCode()It returns hashcode of a list
indexOf(Object c)It returns the index of the given object which matches first, oterwise -1 is returned
isEmpty()It checks whether a list contains any element or not.
iterator()It returns iterator object for a list
lastIndexOf(Object obj)It returns index of the given object which match first from the last, otherwise, -1 is returned
listIterator()It returns object of ListIterator
listIterator(int indx)It returns listIterator object with the starting point specified with indx.
remove(int index)It removes an element from the specified position and returns the removed object from the list
remove(Object obj)It removes very first occurrence of the given object from the list.
removeAll(Collection obj)It removes all the elements that are present in the given collection from the list
replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)It replaces all the elements by performing the given operator to them in the list
retainAll(Collection c)It retains all the elements that matches in the given list and removes all others from the list
set(int indx, T obj)It replaces the given object at specified position and returns the replaced object.
size()It returns number of elements present in the list
sort(Comparator c)It sorts the list based on given order specified in the comparator.
spliIterator()It returns SplitIterator object
subList(int from, int to)It returns sublist that falls between fromIndx and toIndex
toArray()t converts and returns an array corresponding to the given list

Operations in ArrayList

There are various operations can be performed on a ArrayList. These are

1. Element addition
2. Element updation
3. Element deletion
4. Element traversal
5. Element access
6. Element sorting

1. Adding an element in an Array

ArrayList provides implementation to add() method inherited from List interface. There are overloaded versions of add() method.

add(obj) : It appends an element to the end of a list
add(indx,obj) : It adds an element at the given position in a list

Below is the simple java program to add an element in an ArrayList


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("The list content :: "+ integerArrayList);


The list content :: [5, 10, 1]

2. Updating or replacing an element in an ArrayList

ArrayList provides set() method to set or replace an element at given position. The method takes index and the element as an input to replace and uses the index to locate the position and replaces the element with new value.

set(indx, obj) : It replaces an element at the given position with the new element.

Below is the simple java program to replace or update an element in an ArrayList


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("The list :: "+ integerArrayList);

integerArrayList.set(1,100); // replacing element (10) at index 1 with 100



The list content :: [5, 10, 1]

3. Deleting an element from an ArrayList

remove() method is used to delete an element from a list. It has multiple overloaded versions. These are :

remove(obj) : It deletes very first occurrence of the matched object in a list.
remove(int indx): It deletes an element located at a given position or index

Below is the simple Java program to delete or remove an element from an ArrayList


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("The list :: "+ integerArrayList);

integerArrayList.remove(1); // removing element (10) at index 1



The list :: [5, 10, 1]
[5, 1]

4. Iterating over elements of an ArrayList

All the collection framework classes indirectly implements Iterable interface. The iterable interface provides various methods which empowers iterating ArrayList. These are :

Iterator() : It returns Iterator Object. It provides a way to iterate over a list
forEach(Consumer action) : It iterates and performs action over each element until all the element are processed.

Apart from this, for-each or advance for loop can be used to iterate through elements of a list

Below is the simple Java program to iterate through an ArrayList


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();

System.out.println(" Iterating through iterator :: ");
Iterator itr = integerArrayList.iterator(); // getting iterator object from arraylist instance
while(itr.hasNext()) // while the list has the content, do
System.out.println(; // returns the current element and moves the iteration state to next element

System.out.println(" Iterating through forEach :: ");
integerArrayList.forEach(System.out::println); // Java 8 forEach with lambda exp

System.out.println(" Iterating through for-each :: ");

for (Integer val:
integerArrayList) {



Iterating through iterator ::
Iterating through forEach ::
Iterating through for-each ::

5. Fetching an element from an ArrayList

ArrayList uses zero-based index in order to access an element. It provides a method named get() that takes index as an input and returns the element at that position

get(indx) : returns an element at the given position

Below is the simple Java program to get or fetch an element from an ArrayList


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();

System.out.println("Fetching element at index 2 :: "+ integerArrayList.get(2));



Fetching element at index 2 :: 1

7. Sorting elements in an ArrayList

Sort() method is used to sort a list in ArrayList. It takes comparator as an input and applies on elements to achieve sorting.

sort(Comparator c): sorts elements in a list

Below is the simple java program to sort an ArrayList


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("before sorting :: "+integerArrayList);

System.out.println("after sorting :: "+integerArrayList);



before sorting :: [5, 10, 1]
after sorting :: [1, 5, 10]

How to get length or size of an ArrayList?

size() method is used to get length or size of an array in arrayList.

size() : returns length of a list


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List Interface in Java With Program Example Tue, 04 Jul 2023 13:54:56 +0000 List interface inherits Collection interface that provides behaviour to store a group of individual objects. It represents group of individual objects as single entity where duplicates are permitted and elements are ordered in the same manner in which they are inserted. It resides within java.util packages.

Screenshot from 2023 07 04 19 23 17

It defines listIterator() method which returns ListIterator object which empowers the implementing classes to able to traverse their collection objects in both directions, forward and backward.

ArrayList,LinkedList, Stack and Vector are the implementing classes of List interface. Vector class is the legacy class in the List hierarchy.

It allows index based element access and also can be used to insert an element using its position in the given list using zero based index.
A list can contain duplicate elements. It defines its own methods that is specifically made for List implementing classes.

Important Notes

1. It is an ordered collection, meaning, elements are stored the manner in which they are inserted. Therefore, it preserves the insertion order.
2. It uses zero based index in order to access, insert and search element in the list
3. It allows duplicate elements
4. It accepts and stores elements of different types

Method of List Interface

Since, it is child interface of Collection, therefore, it has access all of its method. Apart from this, List interface defines its own methods. The methods and explanations are given below

add(T obj)It inserts an element to the end and returns true if it's added successfully
add(int indx, T obj)It inserts the given element at the specified index of the list
addAll(Collection c)It adds entire compatible collection objects to the end of the list
addAll(int indx, Collection c)It inserts all the compatiable collection objects at the given index in the list
clear()It removes or truncates all the elements from the given list
contains(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is present within the list
containsAll(Collection obj)It returns true if all the elements in the given collection are present in the list
equals(Object obj)It returns true if the given object is equivalent to the list
hashCode()It returns hashcode of a list
indexOf(Object c)It returns the index of the given object which matches first, oterwise -1 is returned
isEmpty()It checks whether a list contains any element or not.
iterator()It returns iterator object for a list
lastIndexOf(Object obj)It returns index of the given object which match first from the last, otherwise, -1 is returned
listIterator()It returns object of ListIterator
listIterator(int indx)It returns listIterator object with the starting point specified with indx.
remove(int index)It removes an element from the specified position and returns the removed object from the list
remove(Object obj)It removes very first occurrence of the given object from the list.
removeAll(Collection obj)It removes all the elements that are present in the given collection from the list
replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)It replaces all the elements by performing the given operator to them in the list
retainAll(Collection c)It retains all the elements that matches in the given list and removes all others from the list
set(int indx, T obj)It replaces the given object at specified position and returns the replaced object.
size()It returns number of elements present in the list
sort(Comparator c)It sorts the list based on given order specified in the comparator.
spliIterator()It returns SplitIterator object
subList(int from, int to)It returns sublist that falls between fromIndx and toIndex
toArray()t converts and returns an array corresponding to the given list

Classes that implements List interface

These are the following classes that implements List Interface
1. ArrayList
2. LinkedList
3. Vector
4. Stack


ArrayList resembles dynamic array behaviour in Collection framework. It provides a way to overcomes from fixed size problem of standard arrays. Apart from that, it supports several predefined methods and also uses zero-based index to access, remove or retrieve an object from a list. In other words, it is an array list with growable size functionality.


Vector is a legacy class in Collection framework. Its underlying data structure is also growable array. It uses zero based index in order to operate on objects and its size can be grow or shrink on runtime based on objects in the list.


Stack is a child class of Vector. As name suggest, its behaviour resembles Stack data structure. It follows basic principle of Stack which is last in first out. Apart from this, it offers various inbuilt methods to perform basic Stack operation, involving, push(), pop() and peak().


LinkedList implements Linked list data structure in Collection framework. It uses addresses to locate and form a sequence of elements that are stored at different location. In this, each element is termed as node which keep data and address of next or previous element.
It can be considered where insertion and deletion, are frequent operation.

How to declare and define a List?

A List interface only declares behaviour, but not implementation. It is not possible to create its object. Therefore, a List can only hold reference of its implementing classes object. Since, it use Generics concept, therefore, it is controllable to define which type of object a list can hold.


List<Obj> listRef = new ArrayList<>();
List<Obj> listRef = new Stack<>();
List<Obj> listRef = new Vector<>();
List<Obj> listRef = new LinkedList<>();

Obj represents the Type of object the list can hold

Below is the simple Java program to declare a list.


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); // list is a reference variable that can hold object of List Type or its implementing classes
list.add("Viewer"); // added single element in the list
System.out.println(list); // printing the output




Basic Operations that List Interface provides

1. Adding elements to the List

List provides add() and addAll() methods in order to add elements in the list.


add(Object obj) : It adds element to the end of the list
add(int indx,Object obj) : It adds element on specified position
addAll(Collection c) : It adds another list at the end of the list

Below is the simple Java program to add elements in the list


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); // list is a reference variable that can hold object of List Type or its implementing classes
list.add("Viewer"); // added single element in the list
list.add("Viewer2"); // added single element in the list
System.out.println(list); // printing the output

list.add(1,"inserted"); // added element at first position

List<String> anotherList = new ArrayList<>();
anotherList.add("another list content1") ;
anotherList.add("another list content2") ;

list.addAll(anotherList); // adding all elements of another list



[Viewer, Viewer2]
[Viewer, inserted, Viewer2]
[Viewer, inserted, Viewer2, another list content1, another list content2]

2. Updating elements to the List

List provides set() and replace() method to update the elements of a list.

set(int index, Obj element) : It updates or replaces element in the list at the given position
replaceAll(UniaryOperator op) : It replaces all the elements in the list.

Below is the simple java program to replace elements in the list


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); // list is a reference variable that can hold object of List Type or its implementing classes
list.add("Viewer"); // added single element in the list
list.add("Viewer2"); // added single element in the list
System.out.println(list); // printing the output

System.out.println("After replace -----------");
list.set(1, "Kui"); // replaced the viewer2 value with Kui in the list

System.out.println("After replace All -----------");
list.replaceAll(String::toUpperCase); // a lambda expression (Java 8 feature), that denotes replaces all the elements with its Uppercase version
System.out.println(list); // replaced the viewer2 value with Kui in the list



[Viewer, Viewer2]
After replace -----------
[Viewer, Kui]
After replace All -----------

3. Deleting elements to the List

List interface provides remove() and removeAll method to delete elements from the list.

remove(int indx) : It deletes elements at the given position
remove(Object obj) : It deletes very first occurrence of the given object
removeAll(Collection c) : It deletes all the eleemnts that matches with the given collection object

Below is the simple Java program to delete or remove elements from a list


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); // list is a reference variable that can hold object of List Type or its implementing classes
list.add("Viewer"); // added element in the list

System.out.println(list); // printing the output

System.out.println("After deleting element at 1st index -----------");
list.remove(1); // removed the viewer2 value

System.out.println("After deleting element at Viewer3 object (very first match only)-----------");
list.remove("Viewer3"); // removed the viewer3 value,only very first occurrence

System.out.println("After deleting elements defined in another list -----------");
List<String> deleteList = new ArrayList<>();
list.removeAll(deleteList); // removed the viewer4 value


[Viewer, Viewer2, Viewer3, Viewer4, Viewer3]
After deleting element at 1st index -----------
[Viewer, Viewer3, Viewer4, Viewer3]
After deleting element at Viewer3 object (very first match only)-----------
[Viewer, Viewer4, Viewer3]
After deleting elements defined in another list -----------
[Viewer, Viewer3]

4. Sorting elements in the List

List provides sort() method to sort list

sort (Comparator c) : It sorts list based on given comparator

Below is the simple Java program to sort list


public class ListDeclarationExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); // list is a reference variable that can hold object of List Type or its implementing classes
list.add("Sandeep"); // added element in the list

System.out.println("Before sorting based on the string length or size"); // printing the output
System.out.println(list); // printing the output

System.out.println("After sorting based on the string length or size"); // printing the output

list.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(String::length)); // It would sort the list based on the size or length of a string in increasing order

System.out.println(list); // printing the output



Before sorting based on the string length or size
[Sandeep, Sachin, Jay, Shiva, Kui]
After sorting based on the string length or size
[Jay, Kui, Shiva, Sachin, Sandeep]

5. Iterating over elements in List

List indirectly extends Iterable interface that provides method to iterate through collection objects. iterator() method and forEach() methods are one of methods.

Also, using advance for-each, one can iterate through a list.

Below is the simple Java Program to iterate through a List


public class ListDeclarationExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();

        System.out.println(" Iterating through iterator :: ");
        Iterator itr = integerArrayList.iterator();  // getting iterator object from arraylist instance
        while(itr.hasNext())    // while the list has the content, do
            System.out.println(; // returns the current element and moves the iteration state to next element

        System.out.println(" Iterating through forEach :: ");
        integerArrayList.forEach(System.out::println);  // Java 8 forEach with lambda exp


 Iterating through iterator :: 
 Iterating through forEach :: 


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