Design 2 bit Synchronous up counter using T Flip flop – Programmerbay A Tech Bay for Tech Savvy Sun, 10 Mar 2024 16:45:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Design 2 bit Synchronous up counter using T Flip flop – Programmerbay 32 32 Design 2 bit Synchronous up counter using T Flip flop? Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:35:00 +0000

These are the following step to design a 2 bit Synchronous up counter using T Flip flop

Step 1: To design a synchronous up counter, first we need to know what number of flip flops are required. we can find out by considering a number of bits mentioned in the question. So, in this, we required to make 2 bit counter so the number of flip flops required is 2 [2n where n is a number of bits].

Step 2: After that, we need to construct a state table with an excitation table.

Note: To construct an excitation table from the state table you should know the excitation table of the respective flip flop, in this case, it is T flip flop. So check the excitation table forT flip flop Which is:

T Flip Flop Excitation Table

Present stateNext State    T

So, the above table is the excitation table for T Flip Flop.

State Table with  excitation  table

   Present State    Next State    Flip Flop

Above the table is created as per follow :

When Q2 =0 which is the present state and Q2‘=0 which is the next state then T2 becomes 0 [As per excitation table, have a look ]
Similarly, if Q2 is 0 and Q2‘ is 1 then T2 becomes 1.
In a similar way, it goes on.

Step 3: After making the excitation table the next thing to do is dig out the equation from the boolean algebra or K map for the design of the counter. So For T1 and T2 we got 1 and Q1 .



For T2  Flip flop,

k 2Bmap1
T2= Q1

For TFlip flop,

k 2Bmap2



Step 4: Lastly according to the equation got from K map create the design for 2 bit synchronous up counter.

2 bit Synchronous up counter using T Flip flopIn the above design, T1 is getting high input and T2 is getting input from the output of the T1 flip flop.  A clock is attached to it which is in blue colour.

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