interface vs abstract class – Programmerbay A Tech Bay for Tech Savvy Sat, 02 Jan 2021 17:16:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 interface vs abstract class – Programmerbay 32 32 Difference Between Interface and Abstract Class in Java With Comparison Table Mon, 14 Sep 2020 18:07:10 +0000 An interface and abstract class are used for achieve abstraction feature in Java. Abstraction is one of the OOP’s feature that aims on hiding background details and shows only the essential details.

The basic difference between abstract class and interface is that an abstract class can have abstract and non-abstract methods, whereas, an interface supports only abstract methods.

Differences between abstract class and Interface in Java With Comparison Table

Abstract ClassInterface
It supports abstract methods, static methods, final methods, and concrete methods. In other words, it can have both abstract and non-abstract methodsIt supports abstract methods only. Java 8 onwards, it can have Default method and static method too.
It doesn't support multiple inheritanceIt supports multiple inheritance. An interface can extend two or more interfaces at a time
An abstract class can extend single class only, but can implement one or more interfacesAn interface can extend multiple interfaces only
It can have constructorsInterfaces don't
'abstract' keyword is used to make a class abstract'interface' keyword is used to declare an interface
It allows static, non-final, final and non-static variablesIt allows static and final variables
An abstract can have all types of members that involves private ,public, and protectedAn interface can have public members only

More Differences :-

  1. Static methods of an interface are accessed by interface name [interfaceName.StaticMethod()], while in case of abstract classes, static methods are simply accessed by class name [className.StaticMethod() , Subclassed name, not abstract Class name ].


An interface may consist of constants, default methods, abstract methods (without body )and static methods. It explains what a class should do and look like, but not how. It can be extended by other interfaces using ‘ extends’ and implemented by other classes using ‘implements’ keyword. In Java 8, a Default Method concept is added which allows implementation in that very method.

Java program to demonstrate the working of Interface


interface ShowingInterface{
int X= 20; // Constant as by default compiler would read it like this static final int x = 20
default void print(){
System.out.println("I am in default method, printing constant = "+X);

static void staticMethod(){ // Static method 
System.out.println("I am in Static method");

void display (); // abstract method by default compiler would read it like this abstract void display ();
public class Interfaces implements ShowingInterface {
public void display(){
System.out.println("I am in abstract method");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Interfaces obj = new Interfaces();
obj.display(); // calling Abstract method
obj.print(); // calling Default method
ShowingInterface.staticMethod(); // calling static method




Interface example


Abstract Class

It cannot be instantiated and is defined with abstract keyword. Extending classes must provide definition for all the abstract methods, otherwise, it also need to be declared as abstract.
It can have abstract methods, non-abstract methods and static methods.

Java program to demonstrate the working of abstract classes

abstract class showingAbstract{
// variable
int variable;
// constructor
System.out.println("I am in constructor of abstract class right now ");
// abstract method
abstract void print();
// static method
static void display(){
System.out.println("I am in static method");
// concrete method
void showVariable(){
System.out.println("I am concrete method, Value of variable = "+variable);

public class AbstractClass extends showingAbstract {

void print(){
System.out.println("Abstract method is executing ");

public static void main(String[] args) {
AbstractClass obj = new AbstractClass();




abstract class

Key differences

  1. An Abstract class can have abstract methods as well as the non-abstract methods; whereas; an interface can have only abstract methods.
  2.  The concept of Multiple inheritance is not supported by the abstract classes because it causes ambiguity; whereas; for the interfaces, they allow multiple inheritance concept as there is no case ambiguity in their implementation.
  3. The types of variables that are supported by the abstract class are as follows:
  • Static variable
  • Non – static variable
  • Final variable
  • Non – final variable

The types of variables that are supported by the interfaces are as follows:

  • Static variable
  • Final variable
  1. The interesting fact about abstract classes is that the abstract class supports the implementation of the interfaces inside it; whereas; but the vice-versa does not happen, that is, the interfaces do not support the implementation of the abstract classes.
  2. In the case of Abstract class, it can be declared using the “abstract” keyword; whereas; in the case of Interface, if we want to declare an interface then you must be using the “interface” keyword.
  3. When we talk about abstract class, then to extend the abstract class functionality we must use the “extends” keyword; whereas; for the interfaces, if we want to implement the interface we must use the “implements”.

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