program to count a particular word occurrence in a Sequence of string without using loop
Program: public class Main { static int count = 0; String search; int len; String[]…
Program: public class Main { static int count = 0; String search; int len; String[]…
Given an array 'arr' that may contain duplicate elements and we need to print distinct…
Program to replace a substring using replace method Simple Program: class Main { public static…
Given a string str that may consist a sequence of characters and we need to…
Java supports three classes to operate on strings, String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder. The main difference…
Language constructs are part of a program that is formed from a combination of one…
Java has multithreading programming feature which is nothing but a form of multitasking. Multitasking enables…
Thread lifecycle in Java A thread goes through various states after its creation. It involves…
Another important feature of Java is support for Multithreading programming. It can be viewed as…
Java provides two useful implicit reference variables 'this' and 'super'. Both are used to resemble…