NavigableSet Interface – Programmerbay A Tech Bay for Tech Savvy Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:45:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NavigableSet Interface – Programmerbay 32 32 NavigableSet Interface in Java With Program Example Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:45:27 +0000 NavigableSet is a child interface of SortedSet that provides navigation methods to navigate through a set. It showcases the same behaviour as SortedSet with some additional navigable attributes & behaviour. It provides several methods that are only applicable to the implementation classes of NavigrableSet interface such as lower(), floor(), and ceiling methods to get elements less than or equal, greater than or equal and greater than a given element.

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TreeSet and ConncurrentSkipListSet are two implementation classes of the interface.

NavigableSet<T> navigableSet = new TreeSet<>();

How to create object of NavigabelSet ?

Navigable Set is an interface, in order to create an object of that type, it is compulsory to have a implementation class of the respective interface. In this case, TreeSet can be used to create instance that can be assigned to NavigableSet type.


public class SetExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {

NavigableSet<String> navigableSet = new TreeSet<>();
// Adding elements to navigableSet set object

// Displaying the output



[A, Code, Example]

It also allows a set to traverse in both orders, either ascending using an iterator or descending order with the method descendingSet(). Considering performance-wise, traversing elements in ascending order is faster than the traversing descending order. There are some more additional methods namely pollFirst() and pollLast() to remove the first and last element (lowest and highest element) from the set and return it.

Methods of NavigableSet Interface

Below are the methods that is offered by NavigableSet interface

lower(element)It returns greatest element that is lower than the given element
higher(element)It returns lowest element that is higher than the given element
floor(element)It returns greatest element that is lower than or equal to the given element
ceiling(element)It returns lowest element that is higher than or equal the given element
pollFirst()It returns and removes first element from the set
pollLast()It returns and removes last element from the set
descendingSet()It returns reverse view of the given set.

Below are the methods that is inherited from SortedSet.

Method NameExplanation
comparator()Returns comparator object which is used to define custom sorting order on elements in the set or returns null if the set is using some natural order
subSet(T from, T to)It returns all the elements rangin from element "fromEle" to "toEle". If both the elements are same, then it would return empty set. It can throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided elements are not in range of the given set
headSet(elementObj)It returns all the elements lesser than the provided element. It can throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided elements are not in range of the given set
tailSet(elementObj)It returns all the elements greater than the provided element. It can throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided elements are not in range of the given set
first()It returns very first element from the given set
last()It returns last element from the given set

Below are the methods that is inherited Set.

Method NameExplanation
add(Object)The method adds an element in a given set, returns false if one tries to add duplicate element
addAll(CollectionObj)It adds all the elements of the given collection in a given set
clear()It removes all elements from the given set
contains(Object)It checks whether the given object consists in a set or not, if it returns true if exist, otherwise false
containsAll(CollectionObj)It returns true, if all the elements of the given collection exist in the set, otherwise false
isEmpty()It checks whether a set is empty or not. it returns if empty, other false
iterator()It provides iterator object to iterate through set
remove(Object)It removes the given object from the set, if present
retainAll(CollectionObj)It retains elements of the collection provided in the method, and removed all other elements in the set that don't match the elements of collection object
size()It returns number of elements present in a set
spliterator()it returns spliterator object to iterate through set
toArray()It converts given set and returns array
removeAll(CollectionObj)It removes all the elements consisting in the collection object

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