thread – Programmerbay A Tech Bay for Tech Savvy Sun, 27 Dec 2020 17:12:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 thread – Programmerbay 32 32 Difference between submit() and execute() method in Java with Tabular form Tue, 01 Dec 2020 06:08:27 +0000 Both execute() and submit() methods are used to send a set of tasks to the Executor interface having a thread pool.

The Hierarchy goes like this, Java gives us an ExecutorService interface (having submit() method ) which is a sub-interface of Executor (interface), consisting of a method called execute() defined in it.

Difference between submit() and execute() method in Tabular form

BasisSubmit MethodExecute Method
FunctionalityIt submits tasks to the Executor that would handle them for usRuns the task with the main thread
Return It returns a future object which can be used to interrupt the thread in futureIt just starts the task and returns void
DeclarationIt is declared in the ExecutorService interfaceIt is declared in the Executor interface
AcceptanceIt accepts both Runnable and Callable as a parameterIt expects a Runnable as a parameter
Exception HandlerIf submit throws an exception it becomes an integral part of the return value of the taskIf Execute throws an exception it will go to the uncaught exception handler
Use CaseBeneficial when thread being called requires output from the task it is executingExecute is used most of the time when we just want to submit the task in the thread pool and don’t want to alter it further

execute() Method

• execute() runs the task with the main thread.

//execute() Action
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

Java code example to demonstrate the working of execute() method

import java.util.concurrent.*;
class task implements Callable<Integer>{
public Integer call() throws Exception {
System. out .println("Returning Integer using Callable Interface ");
return 10;
public class CollableExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException,
InterruptedException {
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
task obj = new task();
System. out .println("Task submitted ");
Future<Integer> future = pool.submit(obj);
Integer result = future.get();
System. out .print("Printing using user : ");
System. out .println(result);

Example: A simple code that would simply output the returned future object.

submit() Method

• submit() is used to submit tasks to the Executor that would handle them for us.

//submit in action
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

Seeing the above example one can say that both of these provide similar outputs but there are some subtle differences in both of their behaviors.

Advantages of using submit() method:

• submit() method returns a future object which can be used to interrupt the thread in future.
• The returned future object can be used for 2 major things:
◦ Canceling the task with cancel().
◦ Wait for the task for completion using get().

Java code example to demonstrate the working of submit() method

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
class Even implements Runnable {
public void run() {
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){
System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"
Even "+i+",");
class Odd implements Runnable{
public void run() {
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){
System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"
Odd "+i+",");
class ThreadPoolCreater{
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExecutorService executorService= Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
executorService.submit(new Even());
executorService.submit(new Odd());

Explanation: The above program would create a Thread pool where one Thread would print even numbers and others will print odd numbers

Implementation Comparision between submit() and execute() Methods :

• The submit() method is declared in the ExecutorService interface while the execute() method is declared in the Executor interface.
• execute() expects a Runnable as a parameter.
• submit() can accept both Runnable and Callable as a parameter.
• If execute() throws an exception it will go to the uncaught exception handler.
• If submit() throws an exception it becomes an integral part of the return value of the task.
• submit() method is just a wrapper around the execute().

/ / implementation of submit() in java docs.
public Future<?> submit(Runnable task) {
    if (task == null) throw new NullPointerException();
    RunnableFuture<Void> ftask = newTaskFor(task, null);
    return ftask;

Key Differences:

• execute() method just starts the task and returns void.
• submit() method returns a Future object which can be further used for manipulating the task in later stages of our business logic.

Real World Use Case

execute() method :

• execute() is used most of the time when we just want to submit the task in the thread pool and don’t want to alter it further.
• A Real-world use case could be sending a do-not-reply email where you do not expect a response from the user.

submit() method :

• Beneficial when thread being called requires output from the task it is executing.
• A real-world use case could be order confirmation after validating the response received from the payment gateway.

This article is contributed by Shiva Tiwari.

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What are The Ways to Create Thread in Java ? Wed, 24 Jun 2020 06:17:10 +0000 As we know, whenever a Java program executes, a thread is created automatically which is coined as Main thread. The main thread is responsible for the creation and termination of other threads from beginning to the end of a program.

So, Java provides two approaches to create a thread.

1) By extending Thread Class
2) By Implementing Runnable Interface

Why Two Ways to create a Thread in Java ?

The reason for this is that Java doesn’t allow the concept of multiple Inheritance. That means, when one uses Thread class in the creation of threads, there would be no way to extend any other class.

To overcome this problem Runnable interface is used where a child class can inherit a class and also able to use thread functionality.

These are the following ways to create a thread in Java:

With the help of Thread Class

thread and runnable interface

A thread class allows us to manage and control any thread using its methods such as getName(),isAlive(),join()and more.

It extends object class and also implements Runnable Interface. A runnable interface that is implemented by Thread class consists of only a single method called run() method where the behavior or task of a thread is defined.

Creating a thread by extending Thread Class


  • A class should extend the Thread Class
  • Need to override the run() method, where all tasks of a thread would be defined
  • Create the object of that class, which would act as a thread
  • call start() method, for example, thread.start()
  • start() invokes run() automatically
class MyFirstThread extends Thread{

public void run()
int i;
System.out.println("I am First Thread");


class MySecondThread extends Thread{
public void run()
int i;
System.out.println("I am Second Thread");


public class Threads1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
MyFirstThread Thread1 = new MyFirstThread();
MySecondThread Thread2 = new MySecondThread();





thread output


With the help of Runnable interface

The runnable interface can’t call the run method directly. In order to move a thread to the Runnable state, start() method is used which invokes the run method whose definition is provided in Thread class. So, implementing only the Runnable interface wouldn’t work. Therefore, we need to create an object of a class and pass its reference as an argument to Thread class constructor explicitly.

Creating a thread by Implementing Runnable Interface


  • A class should implement Runnable interface
  • Need to override the run() method, where all tasks of a thread would be defined
  • Create the object of that class, suppose ‘obj’
  • Create another object but, of Thread class explicitly and pass the reference of the previously created object to the constructor. For example, ‘Thread thread1 = new Thread(obj);’
  • call start() method, for example, thread.start()
  • start() invokes run() automatically
class A implements Runnable        
public void run()
int i;
System.out.println("I am child thread");
public class ImplementRunnable {

public static void main(String[] args) {
A obj = new A();
Thread thread1 = new Thread(obj, "child thread");


I am child thread
I am child thread
I am child thread
I am child thread
I am child thread

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Difference between synchronized block and synchronized method in Tabular form Thu, 05 Mar 2020 17:55:54 +0000 What is Synchronization?

Synchronization deals with asynchronous behaviour of threads. It is a way of avoiding simultaneous access of two or more threads on a particular resource.

In Java, it is implemented in form of synchronized method and synchronized blocks.

Implementing synchronization in a code helps in dealing with critical section problem, where two or more threads together try to access a resource at the same time. To overcome from this problem, Synchronization is used.

Synchronization provides the capability to control the behaviour of thread efficiently. It works by giving a monitor or lock to a particular thread.

In other words, a thread when enters in a synchronized method or block, a unique lock gets assigned to it. Carrying lock signals other threads which also want to access that resource, to wait until the first thread completes its task and release its lock.

The lock concept enables us to achieve synchronous behaviour. However, the cons of this concept is that, it increases the waiting time of thread and the total execution time takes much longer than expected. And even sometimes it raises the situation of Deadlock.

Difference between Synchronized Method and Synchronized Block in Tabular form

BasisSynchronized MethodSynchronized Block
Lock Either Object level or Class level On any object ( specified in parameter)
Scope On entire functionality, comparatively has greater scopeOnly limited to some statement, comparatively has lesser scope
Waiting timeHighLow

Synchronized Method

A method with synchronized keyword  allows only one thread at a time to let its task complete.

A thread that comes first would take the lock  and perform its time, meanwhile other thread would wait for first thread to complete its task.

Synchronized Block

 A Block with synchronized keyword allows only one thread at a time to let its task complete.

However, it follows the same concept as a synchronized method but it has limited scope as compared to the method.

The block itself is followed with an argument wrapping reference of an object.
It comes handy when less number of statements require to be synchronized.

Java program to demonstrate the working of synchronized method and synchronized block ?


class SynchronizationExample implements Runnable{
public void run() {
synchronized void incrementMe() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is printing : " +
void unSynchronizedShowMe()
System. out .println("unSynchronized : "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
synchronized (this)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
for(int i = 0; i<5;i++)
System. out .println("printing from synchronized block :
public static void main(String[] args) {
SynchronizationExample obj = new SynchronizationExample();
Thread threadOne = new Thread(obj,"Child One");
Thread threadtwo = new Thread(obj,"Child two");



Key Differences

  • A synchronized method provides a lock corresponding to object-level or Class level ( i.e class level means static method ), whereas, synchronized block provides a lock on any object depending on the parameter.
  • A synchronized method imposes lock on entire functionality of the respective method, while the synchronized block is used to lock a lesser number of consecutive statements ( Critical section area).
  • Since, the synchronized method provides a lock on current instance otherwise class level, therefore,  nullPointerException can’t be expected. On the other hand, if the parameter evaluated as null, then there would be likely a nullPointerException occurred.
  • Synchronized block boosts the performance of a respective program as it is intended to use on an only certain part of the program, rather than the entire method. Whereas the synchronized method locks entire functionality even though, some part of code has nothing to do with write or update.
  • Since, performance has an indirect relation with waiting time. In other words, the synchronized method increases the waiting time, whereas synchronized block has an advantage over the method as its scope is limited and smaller than the method.

Difference between join() and yield() in Multithreading Thu, 27 Feb 2020 13:12:45 +0000 Difference between join() and yield() in Tabular form

Join MethodYield Method
It ensures a calling thread to get terminated first and then after further execution is proceeded by other thread instanceIt simply makes other threads having same priority to do their task
It puts other threads to suspended state, till the thread on which the join() call is finishedIt moves a thread from running to runnable
It allows us to provide threshold time It doesn't, totally depends on thread Schedular
Priority doesn't matterApplies on same priority thread

Join() Method

Join method ensures termination or completion of a thread on which it is called. So, that other threads can join the calling thread as and when it dies.

The statement after the join() won’t be executed by current thread instance until the thread on which it is invoked finishes its task. However, it is also possible to mention maximum time to which extent to wait.

Java program Example:

class ThreadExample extends Thread{
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Child thread is printing");
       for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
ThreadExample thread1 = new ThreadExample();

        System.out.println("I will wait for child thread to join me");
        System.out.println("Now Main thread is executing");


Child thread is printing
I will wait for child thread to join me
Now Main thread is executing


yield() Method

Yield method simply let other threads of same priority of the calling thread to finish their task.

In other words, It tells the thread scheduler that the thread who actually called the yield() is willing to wait and allow other threads having same priority to execute their task.

Java program Example:

class ThreadExample extends Thread{
    public void run() {

       for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
           System.out.println("I am child "+Thread.currentThread().getPriority());

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadExample thread1 = new ThreadExample();

System.out.println(" Main thread is executing");
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

            System.out.println("I am Main "+Thread.currentThread().getPriority());


Main thread is executing
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5
 I am Main 5
 I am child 5


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What are the important Thread Class Methods? Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:31:49 +0000 As we previously discussed,  Java can create a thread in two ways, either through Thread class or Runnable Interface.

Since, Runnable Interface consists a single method called run() and it is implemented by Thread Class itself. Even though if one creates a thread using Runnable, still requires to make an instance of the Thread class and the object required to pass to it as an argument.

Why we need to create Thread class object even after implementing Runnable Interface?

The answers is, start() method which is responsible for thread execution ( internally calling run method), registering a thread to thread Scheduler and more.

And this start() method resides in Thread class. So, this is the reason, why we need to create a Thread object separately.

Apart from start(), Thread class supports a bunch of useful methods that not only control thread’s behaviour but also in acquiring information of a thread such as thread name,its priority and more

Some of the important and mostly used thread class methods are discussed here

  • wait()
  • sleep()
  • yield()
  • start()
  • isAlive()
  • join()
  • getName()
  • getPriority()
  • notify()



  • Sleep method puts a thread to sleep
  • It takes milliseconds and nanoseconds as its argument
  • A thread sleeps for specified seconds mentioned in form of parameters
  • When it comes to synchronization, a thread which calls the method never release its lock or monitor
  • It throws interruptedException
  • Syntax:
    • Thread.sleep(long millisec)
    • Thread.sleep(long millisec, int nanosec)


class ThreadExample extends Thread{
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Child thread is about to sleep");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        System.out.println("I am child Thread ");
public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadExample thread1 = new ThreadExample();
        System.out.println("I am Main Thread ");


Child thread is about to sleep
I am Main Thread 
I am child Thread


  • Join method puts a thread to wait for calling thread to complete its execution
  • It takes milliseconds and nanoseconds as its argument
  • It provides three types of argument variation, no argument, single and two arguments
  • It ensures a thread termination on which it calls on
  • For example, thread1.join(), it means waits for thread1 to finish
  • Additional feature is, one can mention, threshold time to which extent to wait
  • It throws interruptedException
  • Syntax:
    • this.join()
    • this.join(long millisec)
    • this.join(long millisec, int nanosec)


class ThreadExample extends Thread{
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Child thread is printing");
       for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
ThreadExample thread1 = new ThreadExample();

        System.out.println("I will wait for child thread to join me");
        System.out.println("Now Main thread is executing");


Child thread is printing
I will wait for child thread to join me
Now Main thread is executing



  • yield method makes a thread to wait and give a chance to other threads to complete their tasks having same priority
  • It signals thread scheduler that the thread wants to allow other threads to execute themselves
  •  It takes no argument
  • No thread having same priority means it won’t give chance to low priority threads anyway
  • Syntax
    • Thread.yield()


class ThreadExample extends Thread{
    public void run() {

       for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
           System.out.println("I am child "+Thread.currentThread().getPriority());

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadExample thread1 = new ThreadExample();

System.out.println(" Main thread is executing");
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

            System.out.println("I am Main "+Thread.currentThread().getPriority());


 Main thread is executing
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5
I am Main 5
I am child 5


Wait() & Notify()

wait() and notify() are two companion methods that work together with the aim of providing more control over threads. They provide a way to achieve inter thread communication. These methods reside under Object class.

As name suggest,

  • wait method makes current executing thread to go in suspended state whereas, notify method invokes immediate waiting thread to carry out its task again
  • wait method puts a thread to sleep and release the its lock, so that other can acquire it
  • wait method comes into play where synchronisation exist


class WaitExample extends Thread
 public void run() {
 synchronized void print()
 System.out.println("THis is child ");
public class Main {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 WaitExample thread = new WaitExample();
 synchronized (thread)
 System.out.println("I am in synchronised :");
 try {
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 System.out.println("I am in invoked :");




  • isAlive is a boolean method to check whether a thread is running or not
  • It checks on calling thread, if it returns true, then thread is currently running otherwise terminated
  • It is an alternate to join() method


class ThreadExample extends Thread{
    public void run() {

       for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
           System.out.println("I am child ");

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadExample thread1 = new ThreadExample();
System.out.println("Child thread is running or not :"+thread1.isAlive());


I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
I am child 
Child thread is running or not :true

start(), getName() or getPriority()

start():  start() method which is responsible for thread execution ( internally calling run method), registering a thread to thread Scheduler and more.

getName(): It is used to get the name of a thread

getPriority(): It is used to get the priority of a thread

class ThreadExample extends Thread{
    public void run() {

System.out.println("This child");
System.out.println("Name : "+ Thread.currentThread().getName());
        System.out.println("Priority : "+ Thread.currentThread().getPriority());

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadExample thread1 = new ThreadExample();
System.out.println("Child thread is running or not :"+thread1.isAlive());


This child
Child thread is running or not :true
Name : Thread-0
Priority : 5



setPriority(): to set a thread priority

setName(): to set a thread name

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Difference Between Process Based Multitasking and Thread Based Multitasking Sat, 25 Jan 2020 17:45:03 +0000 Java has multithreading programming feature which is nothing but a form of multitasking. Multitasking enables a system to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

The main aim of this concept is to reduce the response time and increase the throughput of a processor.

It is done by allocating a small slice of CPU time to each process and switching back and forth among these concurrently running processes, to create the illusion of parallel execution.

Multitasking can be classified into two types :

  • Process-based multitasking
  • Thread-based multitasking

multithreading and multitasking

Difference between Process-based multitasking and Thread based multitasking?

Basis Process Based MultitaskingThread Based Multitasking
DefinitionExecuting two or more programs concurrentlyExecuting two or more threads simultaneously
Smallest UnitProgramThread
Address spaceEvery program has its own address spaceEvery thread shares a same address space
Context switching CostHighLow
Interprocess communicationlimited and expensiveInexpensive
Also KnownHeavyweight processLighweight process
Best suitableOS levelProgrammatic level
ExampleExecuting MP3 player, text editor, and Browsing concurrentlyPrinting documents as well keep editing on a text editor

Key Differences


Process-based multitasking enables a system to execute two or more programs concurrently, whereas Thread based multitasking enables a program to carry out two or more tasks in form of threads simultaneously.

Smallest unit:

In process-based multitasking, a program is the smallest unit that can be executed independently

In thread-based multitasking, a thread is the smallest unit that can be executed independently


Process-based multitasking puts more overhead than thread-based multitasking.
A thread is a lightweight process, therefore thread-based multitasking puts less overhead than process-based multitasking.

Address space:

A process performs heavy tasks and takes up a separate address space
A thread performs light tasks and shares the same address space with other threads belong to the same program


Interprocess communication is limited and expensive in Process-based multitasking, whereas
Interthread communication is inexpensive in thread-based multitasking.

Context switching;

In the case of process-based multitasking, context switching from one process to another costs high.

In case of a thread, context switching from one thread to another cost low.


Using process-based multitasking, multiple programs such as MP3 player, text editor, and Browsing are together executed parallelly.

Using thread-based multitasking, multiple tasks of a single program such as compiler in which compiling and opening another file at the same time can be done together with the help of two threads.


A process is a program in execution. Each process has its own address space, program counter, data section, stack and register set.


A Thread is an independent dispatchable code that has a unique path of execution. Each thread has its own Program counter, stack and register set despite all share same address space.

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Explain Lifecycle of a thread in Java? Sat, 25 Jan 2020 07:26:25 +0000 Thread lifecycle in Java

A thread goes through various states after its creation.  It involves runnable, running, blocked and terminated. These are the following states:-

final thread lifecycle


At the time, when a thread object is defined, it is said to be born and ready to execute. It begins its life from this state. A thread can be created using the Thread class and Runnable interface.

Thread thread1 = new Thread() // using Thread class

From this state, it ready to move to a runnable state by calling the start() method.


It is the state where a thread may start executing at any point of time. Until it gets the CPU, it waits with already waiting thread queue. The thread having the highest priority would get the CPU first and if all are having the same priority, then they would run in first-in,first-out fashion.
It is also possible to invoke a particular thread among the same priorities using yield() method.


It means CPU time has been allocated to the thread and it is now executing and performing its assigned task.
From this state, it can jump to suspended state, blocked state and also to the terminated state.


A thread ends up with this state when it waits for some resources required for completing its task or for other threads to perform its job first. sleep() and wait() are some methods that put down a thread to the blocked state. It is possible that the thread can send to a runnable state again.

Suppose, it issues Input/Output request to CPU, the CPU immediately puts the thread to a blocked state until the request fulfills.

Terminated State

This is the last stage of thread lifecycle. When a thread finishes its task, it goes to the terminated state. It is also possible that a thread is forced to kill due to some error or event.

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