short variableName = 2;
Short is signed type that can support positive and negative values, ranging from -215 to 215-1. Lets see a code to simply print short type.
public class ShortExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { short posNum = 23; short negNum = -23; System.out.println("negative short num :: "+ negNum); System.out.println("Positive short num :: "+ posNum); } }
negative short num :: -23 Positive short num :: 23
Short is a primitive data type that can store lesser range of values as compared to int type. There are multiple ways to convert short to int.
A short can be automatically converted int value by the java compiler. When a compiler implicitly converts a type to another data type ( to higher type), this is termed as implicit type casting.
Java program for converting short to int using type casting
public class ShortExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { short shortNum = 23; int num = shortNum; System.out.println("short value type :: "+ num); } }
short value type :: 23
Short is a wrapper class that supports a method named intValue(). The method outputs int literal by accepting short value.
Java program for converting short to int using intValue method
public class ShortExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { short shortNum = 23; int num = new Short(shortNum).intValue(); System.out.println("short value type :: "+ num); } }
short value type :: 23
The method performs unsigned conversion. It takes short value as input parameter and returns its integer representation. Below is the example program.
Java program for converting short to int using intValue method
public class ShortExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { short shortNum = 23; int num = Short.toUnsignedInt(shortNum); System.out.println("unsignedInt type:: "+ num); } }
unsignedInt type:: 23
1. How to declare or create short in Java?
Short can be declared in two ways, using short keyword and Short wrapper class.
With the help of short class’s constructor, one can declare and initialize short object. The constructor accepts either string literal or short primitive value and returns initialized object.
Using short keyword:
public class ShortExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { short shortNum = 23; System.out.println("value "+ shortNum); } }
Using Short object:
Java doesn’t allow to pass int literal to the short constructor as parameter.
public class ShortExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { Short shortObj= new Short("23"); System.out.println("value "+ shortObj); } }